Harrington Park Historical Society
   P.O. Box 105, Harrington Park, N.J. 07640       
201 768-2615       
501(c)3 Corporation       

Recipient of the Bergen County 2011 Historic Preservation Commendation Award for the Old Burying Ground           
Photo of Old Burying Ground
by Dr. Davis Ross
Upcoming Lectures & Events

All Lectures Are Held at the Harrington Park Library, 10 Herring Street, Harrington Park, New Jersey 07640
7:30 P.M. - 2nd Floor
All are welcome!
Proud Sponsor
of the
Harrington Park
Arts Council
"The Art of Today - The History of Tomorrow!"
A Legacy Project  of the HPHS for the 350th Anniversary of the
State of New Jersey

To increase the interest of our community in the arts, to assist all who wish to make an artistic contribution, and to bring the artist and the community-at-large together in a mutually beneficial relationship. To develop, promote, and coordinate the arts at the community level as an expression of Harrington Park’s talents, needs, resources, and aspirations under the auspices of the Harrington Park Historical Society.

To learn more, please click on the Arts Council Button
or visit the Arts Council on
and on Facebook - Arts Council of Harrington Park 


Welcome to the Harrington Park Historical Society - we are glad you are visiting with us on our website!  Please browse around our website to learn more about us and what we do.

We hope you will join us for our ten lecture series on various history subjects that range from local to the far away on interesting historical topics. We meet the first Monday of every month, except July and August, in the Harrington Park Public Library, 2nd floor, at 7:30 P.M.

Typically our meetings include a top notch speaker, question and answer segment, followed by a reception where you can greet our guest and enjoy some refreshment.  Our lecture series is open to everyone and we do not charge a fee to attend.

In addition to our lectures the Society maintains and preserves two historic cemeteries in Harrington Park, namely; the Perry Cemetery, and the Old Burying Ground.  The Perry Cemetery is a small family burial ground located on what was the farm of David Perry (1809-1871). The Old Burying Ground cemetery is part of the land apportioned to Garret Huybertsen Blauvelt, son of one of the original sixteen grantees of the Tappan Patent approved by the Governor of New York in 1686. Although there are believed to be earlier ones, the first known burial was in 1722 and the last in 1905.
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Old Burying Ground
Photo by Dr. Davis Ross

March 3, 2025 – General Meeting
Speaker: James Calaski, Historian, Detective Lt. Glen Rock Police Dept.
Topic: “The Hindenburg Disaster – Accident or Sabotage”

LZ 129 Hindenburg was the largest flying object ever constructed by man. It was a modern marvel of luxury and technology, a literal ocean liner in the sky. However on May 6th, 1937, the Hindenburg was engulfed and destroyed in a terrible fire. Two separate investigations, one US and one by Nazi Germany, failed to concretely determine its cause. Like any good mystery, conspiracy theories abound. Was it sabotage? Was it pilot error? Was it lightning? Was it a cover-up? Join us for a deep dive into the history, construction and destruction of one of the most famous aviation accidents in history.

April 7, 2025 – General Meeting
Speaker: Rick Feingold, Professor Bergen Community College, Historian
Topic: “Miracle Mets of 1969”


PLEASE NOTE:  We've added an additional method of donating and paying dues with the QR codes shown below!  Save time and money!

As part of our mission, we are continuing to maintain and preserve the two historic cemeteries in our care, the Old Burying Ground and the Perry Cemetery. Now, we are reaching out to you, our members and friends to help us continue to keep these cemeteries in pristine condition, and to conserve these historical assets. Whatever you can donate at this time to accomplish this work, we cannot adequately express our sincere gratitude. 

We hope you will continue to be as generous as you have been in the past when considering supplementing your annual dues this year. Those dues, which are fully tax deductible, are as follows: 

Family $35
Individual $30
Youth (Under 18) $5

In addition to enjoying dual membership in the Arts Council of Harrington Park, HPHS members receive a discount on all Society events and activities (including fund raisers).

On behalf of the Harrington Park Historical Society, I look forward to welcoming you as returning (or brand new) members! Please call me (201-666-0566) or our President, Gerri Gibney (201-768-2615) if you have questions.

Karen Goddard
Membership Secretary

Mail your check to P.O. Box 105, Harrington Park, New Jersey.  Please include your name(s), address, phone, and email.  Or, use the membership form noted above.  Thanks!


Recently several historic headstones were desecrated at the Old Burying Ground on Tappan Road in Harrington Park. 

Here is a short history of two of the broken headstones; Abraham Quackenbush (1768-1854) and his wife, Elizabeth Myers (1770-1807)) are part of the Abraham Myers family burial plot at the Old Burying Ground. In the middle of the 18th century, Abraham Myers received a royal charter from King George III to build a grist mill on the Hackensack River which his grandson John Bogert later operated and it thereby became known as “Bogert’s Mill.” The Myers family members interred in the plot are Abraham Myers, his wife Cathrena Nederman, daughter Cathrena, daughter Elizabeth and Abraham Quackenbush, son John Myers and wife Rebecca Durie. The markers are red sandstone.

As sole caretakers of this cemetery, the Harrington Park Historical Society will repair these monuments with your generous financial support.

If you would like to help the Society repair these stones, please send your donation to P.O. Box 105, Harrington Park, New Jersey 07640. Please make your check payable to the Harrington Park Historical Society. The Harrington Park Historical Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Corporation. 

After the stones are restored, the Society will host a Tour of the Old Burying Ground for the donors who made the restoration of the stones possible. The tour will be followed by a reception.

If you have any questions or would like to get involved in this effort, please contact Gerri Gibney at 201 768-2615, visit their website, or on Facebook.

James Calaski
Historian, Lecturer
Detective Lt.
Glen Rock Police Dept.

Mr. Calaski graduated from William Paterson University of New Jersey in January 1998, and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology with a concentration in Criminal Justice. Following graduation he pursued a career in law enforcement and joined the Glen Rock New Jersey Police Department in February 2000, ultimately serving as the Bureau supervisor. During his career he has been bestowed numerous awards and citations for outstanding service inlaw enforecement.  
In 2012, he began researching the history of the Glen Rock Police Department and started posting historical blotter entries on the department’s Facebook and other social media outreach initiatives which garnered a large amount of public attention and media coverage. He continued his education and received a Master of Arts degree in History from William Paterson University of New Jersey in May 2013.
While researching his thesis topic, the German American Bund, he came across documents regarding a resident of Glen Rock named Carl Schiphorst. Schiphorst resided in Glen Rock during the 1930’s and was a leader of the Bergen County Unit of the Bund as well as the target of a 145 page FBI investigation suspecting Schiphorst of being a Nazi agent. For the past several years, he has been researching Carl Schiphorst, the FBI investigation, his internment, and ultimate repatriation to Germany, a story which illustrates the plight of thousands of German families during WWII. He first presented his findings to the public in conjunction with the Glen Rock Historical & Preservation Society in April 2015 and it has been in demand ever since, presenting to numerous libraries and civic organizations throughout Bergen County and NJ. 
In addition to historical research, he has been conducting genealogical research for over 20 years for his own family and friends.
Mr. Calaski enjoys sports (both playing and watching), hiking, reading, playing board games, classic cars, riding ATV's, visiting historical sites and flying his RC model airplanes. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Tanya, and they have a daughter and a son, Olivia and Andrew. They have two German Shepherds, one terrier mix and three cats.

QR Code for Membership
Through Zeffy Account
QR Code for Donations
Through Zeffy Account
